Saturday, August 8, 2009

Surprises for Sure

After a very stressful week i have recently decided that i am done with this summer. It has been so long and hard that im so ready for it to be over. Complete with 3 almost 4 surgerys in my family. Fights with Sarah. Jeremy moving in, and so many other little things. I beggining to think that i need a break from everything thats going on in my life, maybe like a spa day or something. Im willing to do anything at this point to make me feel better.

For brighter news, I'm about $1000 away from a new car. 2009 Chevy Colbolt. I am so excited! Once school starts and gets rolling it will make my life so much eaiser and less stressed, and a new car on top of that :) I love the feeling of working hard for something and having the satisfaction of getting to have it as a reward. This summer has been so stressful and I've been working so hard that i deserve this new car!

So I'm now in need for a totally cleanse. Mind, body and soul. I want to rebuild whats going on in my life to try and release some of the stress that I've been carrying around for so long. Man do i miss the days when Mom still put fruit roll ups in my barbie lunch boxs and bought my new crayons for school.