Wednesday, August 4, 2010

You Taste Just Like Glitter Mixed With Rock and Roll

lady gaga song lyrics (in case you didnt know)^^^

Today was kinda eventful, woke up with a monsterous chore list from my mother today, which kinda sucked seeing as i wanted to get out of the house kinda early to go job hunting in funky town. but on the bright side the house is spick and span which is nice! on the down side i didnt leave home till like 1 which put me in ft worth at like 2 and if anyone knows the restraunt biz they know that really only gave me about 2 hours of job hunting time.

If your talking about job hunting then you pretty much know that if you dont return from job hunting with a job then it pretty much went bad, so needless so say that, that aspect of my day went bad. Hopefully i have a interview lined up for tommrow and if that doesnt work out then i have another one in 2 weeks.

being unemployeed sucks because everytime i go into ft worth i wanna shop but i SO dont have the money to be doing that at all!! but i did break down and buy some super awesome heals that were on clearance for 10 dollars. if anyone goes to my school keep a eye out for them because they are totally first day of school shoes!

Tonight was hump day, or i guess hump night, which means jeremy goes and plays baseball with a bunch of his friends. I really love going to watch because not only are all of his friends super nice but a bunch of sweaty guys playing baseball is never a bad sight to see haha plus on some nights i get really lucky and jeremy takes off his shirt for the game! Tonight was a little boring because i was the only one there to watch but its always fun to laugh at them falling on their butts or acting silly or whatever. AND i got to have a good chat with miss saigie baby.

As for her, i think she was having kinda a down day but i like to think i made it better! haha only because im her bff! maybe ill get super lucky and ill get to have lunch with the famous Saige H. tommrow during my second job hunt of the week. speaking of that yall wish me luck!

until next time---

oh ps this is my phobia!!! --->>>


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